A Contratiempo

A Contratiempo

Ana Torroja


In this heartfelt song by Ana Torroja, the singer reflects on a past relationship filled with memories and emotions. The lyrics speak of feeling silenced and rejected, reminiscing about old photographs and longings for a lost love. There is a sense of acceptance and resignation, mixed with a desire to move forward and let go. The song conveys a sense of longing and reflection, capturing the bittersweet emotions of love lost and the hope for a new beginning. The imagery of solitude at dawn, kisses to the wind, and a song of despair evoke a melancholic yet hopeful mood. Ultimately, the song encapsulates the complexity of emotions in the aftermath of a relationship, where one must navigate feelings of loss, acceptance, and resilience. Through poetic and evocative language, Ana Torroja conveys the universal experience of heartbreak and healing, resonating with listeners through its raw honesty and emotional depth.

Letra de A Contratiempo
Vídeo de A Contratiempo