Anthony Romeo Santos

Llevame Contigo

Anthony Romeo Santos


'Hey, listen to the words of Romeo as he pours his heart out in 'Llevame Contigo (Take Me With You)'. The uncertainty of a canceled flight, the desperation to make someone love you more, the fear of being left behind - all these emotions are beautifully expressed in this song.

Romeo Santos sings with passion, acknowledging the possibility of tears and heartache if the one he loves decides to go away. His plea is simple yet heartfelt: 'Take me with you, I can't bear the sadness'. He implores not to be left behind, even if it's just for a vacation, promising to endure any restrictions or supervision.

The chorus is a powerful repetition of his desire to not be abandoned, to have his fears and sorrows alleviated by the presence of his loved one. The guitar cries along with him, adding a poignant touch to the heartfelt lyrics.

Despite the promises made and the love professed, there's an underlying sense of insecurity and fear of loss that permeates the song. Romeo Santos begs for reassurance, for a sign that his love will not be in vain.

In the end, the message is clear: 'Take me with you tomorrow'. The longing for companionship, for love, for security is palpable in every word sung. This song is a reminder of the deep emotional connection we all seek, the fear of abandonment, and the hope for a brighter tomorrow filled with love and understanding.

So, if you're looking for a song that speaks to the heart, that evokes raw emotions and vulnerability, 'Llevame Contigo' is a must-have in your playlist. Let Romeo Santos serenade you with his heartfelt plea to be taken along on the journey of love and life.'

Letra de Llevame Contigo
Vídeo de Llevame Contigo