In the mesmerizing melody of 'Putita (en inglés)' by Babasónicos, the lyrics paint a vivid picture of a captivating individual who effortlessly commands adoration but remains out of reach. The enigmatic allure of this person leaves a trail of empty admiration in their wake, with their dazzling presence rendering them unattainable to all but one. The singer yearns for this enigmatic figure to belong solely to them, cherishing every inch of their being as a precious garden to be tended with love and care.

The lyrics touch upon the superficial allure of fame, acknowledging that true fulfilment lies not in the fleeting spotlight but in a deeper connection and purpose. The desire expressed is not to possess this person in a possessive or objectifying manner, but to cherish them with reverence and devotion. The imagery evoked is sensual yet tender, celebrating the intimacy and vulnerability that comes with giving oneself fully to another.

Each word in the song is like a brushstroke, creating a portrait of a complex and alluring individual who embodies both power and vulnerability. The singer recognizes the paradox of this person's allure, acknowledging the facade of perfection that conceals a yearning for genuine connection and intimacy. It is a reflection on the complexities of desire, idolatry, and the search for true meaning in a world that often reduces individuals to mere symbols.

Ultimately, 'Putita (en inglés)' is a poetic exploration of the dichotomies that define human relationships – the tension between admiration and intimacy, between power and vulnerability, between fame and true connection. It is a song that invites us to reflect on the nature of desire and the profound depths of human emotion.

Letra de Putita
Vídeo de Putita