Por tí de Belanova

Por tí



In the heartfelt lyrics of Belanova's song 'Por tí (en inglés)', the singer expresses a deep reflection on their feelings and intentions towards a loved one. The song's message conveys a mix of regret, longing, and devotion, as the singer acknowledges past mistakes and desires to make amends.

The lyrics capture the struggle of sometimes failing to adequately express emotions and the desire to make things right. The singer openly admits to past errors and asks for forgiveness, showing vulnerability and a willingness to grow.

Throughout the song, there is a strong sense of commitment and dedication to the loved one. The singer pledges to continue their life and start anew, all for the sake of love. There is a clear yearning to build a future together and a recognition of the importance of the other person in their life.

Overall, 'Por tí (en inglés)' is a poignant reminder of the complexities of relationships, the power of love to inspire change, and the beauty of genuine emotion. It serves as a moving tribute to the ups and downs of love, highlighting the constant journey towards understanding, connection, and growth.

Letra de Por tí
Vídeo de Por tí