
Besos Robados



The song 'Besos Robados' by Camila tells a story of love and confusion. The singer initially resists falling in love but finds themselves unable to avoid it. Despite trying to protect their heart, they realize they can't control who they love.

The chorus reflects the singer's inner conflict - unsure why they are seeking out this love, feeling torn between the desire for love and the fear of losing their freedom. They question why they continue to kiss and show affection, even when they don't want to fall in love.

The lyrics convey a sense of vulnerability and confusion, as the singer grapples with their emotions and the unpredictability of love. The repeated refrain of 'I do not know my love' underscores the singer's uncertainty and inability to make sense of their feelings.

Ultimately, the song captures the complexity and intensity of love, highlighting the power it holds over our hearts and our actions. Through poetic lyrics and emotional vocals, 'Besos Robados' explores the bittersweet beauty of love and the struggles that come with it.

Letra de Besos Robados
Vídeo de Besos Robados