
Decidiste Dejarme



In this song by Camila, titled 'You Decided to Leave Me', the lyrics vividly depict the aftermath of a toxic relationship. The singer describes feeling poisoned by the silence left behind, with the pain inflicted by the other person resembling a time bomb waiting to explode. Despite the fire of emotions that still burn, there is a resolute declaration of moving forward and not allowing oneself to be destroyed again by a past love that arrived too late.

The song conveys a message of empowerment and self-preservation, emphasizing the importance of letting go of a damaging relationship even when love was once present. The singer acknowledges the depth of their feelings but ultimately chooses self-respect and healing over clinging to a past that has caused so much pain.

Through heartfelt lyrics and emotive melodies, Camila captures the bittersweet journey of letting go, learning from past mistakes, and finding strength in moving forward, even in the face of lingering memories. 'You Decided to Leave Me' is a poignant reminder that sometimes, the greatest act of love is choosing to love and prioritize oneself.

Letra de Decidiste Dejarme
Vídeo de Decidiste Dejarme