
Si Nos Quedara Poco Tiempo



The song 'Si Nos Quedara Poco Tiempo' by Chayanne reflects on the importance of expressing love and appreciation in our everyday lives. The lyrics portray a sense of urgency to convey one's feelings before it's too late, emphasizing the fleeting nature of time. The routine and busyness of life often overshadow talking about emotions, leading to regrets and missed opportunities. The singer contemplates what would happen if they had just a little more time, urging them to seize the moment and declare their love openly. The melancholy of missed chances weighs heavily on the protagonist, prompting them to reflect on the value of relationships and the need to cherish every moment. Ultimately, the song serves as a poignant reminder to express love and gratitude openly, as we never know when it might be our last chance.

Letra de Si Nos Quedara Poco Tiempo
Vídeo de Si Nos Quedara Poco Tiempo

Ranking de Chayanne

  • Chayanne está en la posición 39 del ranking de esta semana, su mejor puesto ha sido el en noviembre de 2021.

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