
Tu Respiración



Wrapped in the serenity of a moonlit April night, the vulnerability of being bare intertwines with the perfection of choice. A fleeting moment, suspended in time, emblematic of the purest emotions engendered by the other. An exploration of bodies, a cascade of solemn promises interwoven into the fabric of shared intimacy.

In the void left by your absence, a poignant ache lingers within my chest, echoing the symphony of loss that reverberates in every beat of my heart. Seeking solace in the echo of your breath and the tender caress of your skin to fill the cavernous void left by your departure. Each moment without you a testament to the irreplaceable essence of your love, a void that permeates every facet of my being.

Yearning to convey the depth of my longing, the reality of life devoid of your presence lays bare the stark truth of incompleteness. Pleading for the chance to demonstrate unwavering devotion, navigating the realms of friendship and love, a steadfast companion in the journey of life. The knowledge of your absence a heavy burden, an insatiable hunger for your essence that defies articulation.

In the silence of solitude, the weight of longing grows heavier, casting shadows upon the landscape of my existence. Clinging to memories, the whisper of your breath and the imprint of your touch become lifelines in the tumultuous sea of solitude. Each plea a fervent declaration of the irrevocable transformation wrought by the absence of your love.

With each passing moment, the realization crystallizes - life is a barren landscape devoid of color in the absence of your love. A harrowing journey through the labyrinth of solitude, a relentless pursuit of solace in the echo of your breath and the ghostly caress of your skin. The yearning to return to a time when life bore the mark of your love, a fervent desire to bridge the chasm that separates us, to rewrite the narrative of our shared existence.

A declaration resonating through the fabric of time and space - 'I'm not the same without your love.' A poignant testament to the transformative power of love, an ode to the enduring essence of a connection that transcends the boundaries of mortality.

Letra de Tu Respiración
Vídeo de Tu Respiración