Y Tú Te Vas

Y Tú Te Vas



In this poignant song 'Y Tú Te Vas (You're Leaving)' by Chayanne, the artist expresses deep emotions of loss and bewilderment as a significant other departs. The lyrics convey a profound sense of disbelief and heartbreak at the sudden departure of a loved one. Chayanne reflects on the deep connection they shared, the memories they created, and the promises of love that seem to have vanished with the departure.

The artist laments not understanding the reasons behind the separation, desperately seeking closure and understanding. Despite efforts to move on, the feeling of emptiness and longing persist, symbolized by a flame burning in the depths of the heart. The raw emotions of love intertwined with loss create a powerful narrative that resonates with anyone who has experienced the pain of goodbye.

Chayanne's heartfelt lyrics, paired with his soulful delivery, capture the universal theme of love's fragility and the profound impact of someone's absence. 'Y Tú Te Vas' serves as a poignant reminder of the complexities of human relationships and the enduring ache of a heart left behind.

Letra de Y Tú Te Vas
Vídeo de Y Tú Te Vas