Nada fue un error de Coti

Nada fue un error



In this heartfelt song by Coti, the singer reflects on a relationship that may have ended, but was not simply a result of chance. The lyrics convey a sense of self-reflection and acceptance, as the singer acknowledges that mistakes are a natural part of life, yet also recognizes that nothing in their relationship was a mistake.

The singer expresses a desire for understanding and honesty, highlighting the importance of facing the truth and not hiding from one's feelings. Despite the challenges and difficulties encountered, there is a sense of acceptance and maturity in the lyrics, as the singer navigates through the complexities of love and relationships.

Through the simple yet poignant lyrics, Coti conveys a message of resilience and growth, emphasizing that even though mistakes happen, they do not define the entirety of a relationship. Ultimately, the song conveys a sense of hope and moving forward with a sense of understanding and self-awareness.

Letra de Nada fue un error
Vídeo de Nada fue un error