Discografía de Crystal Eyes7 discos de Crystal EyesKillerCrystal Eyes(2014)ChainedCrystal Eyes(2008)Dead City DreamingCrystal Eyes(2006)Confessions of the MakerCrystal Eyes(2005)Vengeance DescendingCrystal Eyes(2003)In Silence They MarchCrystal Eyes(2000)World of Black and SilverCrystal Eyes(1999)+ Crystal EyesLetra A Caress Of StarsLetra Adrian BlackwoodLetra Child Of RockLetra Cursed And DamnedLetra Doryan The EnlightenedLetra Dying In The RainLetra Extreme ParanoiaLetra Fighting+ Letras de Crystal Eyes Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos Foro