Transatlanticism de Death Cab For Cutie


Death Cab For Cutie


The song 'Transatlanticism' by Death Cab For Cutie opens with a poetic description of the birth of the Atlantic Ocean, as if it were happening in the present moment. The singer recalls the clouds parting to release the water, forming an ocean where there were once just holes in the surface. The imagery of this new ocean making unexpected islands sets the scene for a journey into uncharted territory.

As the story unfolds, we learn that while most people are excited about the new ocean and take to their boats, the singer is more contemplative. He sees the body of water less as a mere lake and more like a protective moat. The loneliness and distance between him and a loved one are palpable as he reflects on the impossibility of bridging the gap. The rhythm of his footsteps, once guiding him to the person he longs for, now leads only to a silent void.

The repeated plea of 'I need you so much closer' conveys the deep yearning and emotional distance that permeate the song. The singer's desire for closeness and connection is palpable, highlighting the universal human experience of longing for intimacy and closeness in the face of overwhelming distance.

Overall, 'Transatlanticism' is a poignant exploration of distance, longing, and the human need for connection. The evocative imagery and heartfelt lyrics combine to create a powerful and touching portrayal of the complexities of love and separation.

Letra de Transatlanticism
Vídeo de Transatlanticism