11 y 6 de Fito Paez

11 y 6

Fito Paez


In a cozy café, a chance encounter sparked a connection between two weary souls. She held a carnation in her hand as she approached him, questioning if they were wrong to feel drawn to each other. They shared a moment by the window, tiptoeing around their emotions and walking along streams of uncertainty.

Their love was profound, surpassing even the might of Olympus, hidden in the depths of their beings and sealed with a kiss in the corner of a bar. For a fleeting moment, they sold roses to find peace, but soon it didn't matter anymore. They were inexplicably drawn together, yet fate kept them apart, him with 11 and her with 6, perhaps laughing together on the moon.

Their love was a force to be reckoned with, stronger than anything else, sealed with a kiss that echoed through the bathroom of the bar. A bittersweet memory lingers in the air, filled with longing and unanswered questions, a love story that defies logic and explanation.

As the song lingers on with haunting melodies, we are left to wonder about the depth of their connection, the mysteries of fate, and the power of a love so intense that it transcends time and space.

Letra de 11 y 6
Vídeo de 11 y 6