Gilberto Santa Rosa

A la distancia de un te quiero

Gilberto Santa Rosa


In between the intensity of your gaze and the fire in my eyes, a strong shiver runs through me, mirroring your own. Your hands in mine, intertwining like whispered indications of love. Inevitably, my heart beats for you, our souls on the brink of bursting with emotion, as if poised to touch heaven itself.

The distance between us is merely a barrier, a tease, a tantalizing space craving to be bridged by the tender embrace of a first kiss. Yearning to feel the depth of love that lies beyond the physical realm, a love that resonates deeply within our souls and echoes in the beating of our hearts.

I find myself entrapped in this distance of love, unable to resist the overwhelming adoration that consumes me. It is a love without a cure, a love that beckons me relentlessly. I stand at the precipice of love, yearning for you, my desperation growing with each passing moment.

I long to lose myself in the sweetness between your lips and mine, where the world fades away into insignificance. And as the full moon shines upon us, illuminating our connection with its soft glow, we are left in awe of the depth of our love, united in a distance that only serves to strengthen our bond.

In this distance of love, where the sun and the moon witness our passion, we find solace in the unbreakable love that transcends all barriers, binding us together in a timeless embrace.

Letra de A la distancia de un te quiero
Vídeo de A la distancia de un te quiero