Platypus de Green Day


Green Day


'Rise and fall, back up against the wall' is a powerful opening line that sets the tone for Green Day's intense song 'Platypus.' The lyrics evoke a sense of defiance and resentment, with a raw energy that captures the frustration and anger of feeling betrayed or mistreated.

The recurring theme of feeling unloved and unvalued is a common sentiment that many can relate to, expressed through vivid imagery like being under someone's shoes or the piss on the ground. The blunt honesty in lines like 'I hate you 'cause I hate you' drives home the intensity of the emotions being portrayed.

The imagery of sickness and death adds a dark twist to the song, emphasizing a desire for revenge or justice against someone who has wronged the speaker. The aggressive language used, like 'Dickhead, fuckface' and 'Cock-smoking, mother-fucking,' conveys a sense of disgust and contempt towards the person being addressed.

The song culminates in a graphic and violent scene, where the speaker expresses a desire to see their adversary suffer, emphasizing their disdain and lack of remorse. The repeated refrain of 'I hate you, 'cause I hate you' drives home the deep-seated animosity that fuels the lyrics.

Overall, 'Platypus' is a visceral and intense song that channels feelings of anger and resentment in a cathartic way. The brutal honesty and raw energy of the lyrics make it a standout track that leaves a lasting impact on the listener.

Letra de Platypus
Vídeo de Platypus