Discografía de Hot Chocolate8 discos de Hot ChocolateHot Chocolate: Original HitsHot Chocolate(1995)MysteryHot Chocolate(1982)ClassHot Chocolate(1980)Going Through the MotionsHot Chocolate(1979)Every 1’s a WinnerHot Chocolate(1978)Man to ManHot Chocolate(1976)Hot ChocolateHot Chocolate(1975)Cicero ParkHot Chocolate(1974)+ Hot ChocolateLetra EmmaLetra So You Win AgainLetra U Sexy ThingLetra You Sexy ThingLetra Every One's A WinnerLetra Put Your Love In MeLetra You Sexy Thing (en español)Letra Brother Louie+ Letras de Hot Chocolate Discografía Biografía Ranking Foro