



'Mammoth' by Interpol tells a compelling story through its evocative lyrics. The song begins with a plea to avoid unnecessary suspense, setting the tone for a mysterious and intriguing narrative. The protagonist seems to possess a sense of destiny or purpose, described as being 'heaven sent.' There is a sense of urgency and anticipation in the air, creating a tension that runs throughout the song.

The lyrics introduce a character, possibly a lady, who is urged to take action and not be late for a significant moment. The imagery of pawn shops and aging daddies adds layers of symbolism and depth to the storytelling. There is a sense of longing and desire, hinted at through phrases like 'I gotta taste, a taste, a taste and it's time.'

As the song progresses, themes of missed opportunities, regret, and a desire for redemption emerge. The repetition of 'just spare me the suspense' serves as a poignant refrain, emphasizing the need to cut through the confusion and uncertainty.

The repeated references to the number seven add a mystical element to the song, suggesting a deeper meaning or significance behind the lyrics. The contrast between light and darkness, haste and patience, truth and lies, further enriches the emotional landscape painted by the song.

Ultimately, 'Mammoth' by Interpol is a complex and enigmatic piece of music that invites listeners to delve into its layers of meaning and interpretation. It's a journey filled with poetic imagery and raw emotional depth, leaving a lasting impact long after the music fades.

Letra de Mammoth
Vídeo de Mammoth