
Niña De Tilcara



In the song 'Niña De Tilcara (en inglés)' by Intoxicados, the artist greets a girl from Tilcara with a sense of longing and admiration. The lyrics reflect the singer's brief encounter with the girl and the immediate connection he feels towards her. He shares snippets of his life, such as memories of his former wife and the inner turmoil he faces about leaving for Buenos Aires.

Throughout the song, there is a sense of vulnerability and honesty in the singer's words as he expresses his confusion and feelings of falling in love. Despite trying to distract himself with medication and thoughts of returning to Buenos Aires, the girl from Tilcara captivates his thoughts.

The singer contemplates his emotions and desires, expressing a desire to stay and be with the girl from Tilcara, even if just for a moment. The lyrics convey a mix of melancholy, passion, and a yearning for a connection that seems fleeting yet profound.

In the end, the singer bids the girl from Tilcara farewell but hopes to meet again in January, symbolizing a hope for a future reunion and the continuation of their brief but impactful encounter. The song conveys a sense of longing, love, and the bittersweet beauty of fleeting moments that leave a lasting impression.

Letra de Niña De Tilcara
Vídeo de Niña De Tilcara