'How can I find you when you’re always hiding from yourself? The lyrics of 'Up' by James Morrison beautifully capture the frustration of trying to reach someone who continuously shuts themselves off from the world. The singer describes a relationship where one person is playing a never-ending game of hide and seek, retreating into their shell until it's too dark to see the light. Despite feeling taken for granted, there is a persistent hope that things can turn around.

The imagery of watching someone's spirit break like shattering glass provides a powerful visual of the pain and vulnerability that lies beneath the surface. The repetition of Groundhog Day-like cycles and the parade of excuses paint a picture of a relationship stuck in a damaging pattern. Yet, amidst the turmoil, there is a plea to not bury one's demons but to face them head-on.

The chorus highlights the message of resilience and hope, emphasizing that the only way is up. The singer acknowledges the strength of love as the driving force to hold on, even when faced with a weak heart. There is a sense of urgency in turning things around before it all falls apart completely.

Overall, 'Up' conveys a message of encouragement to confront inner struggles, face challenges, and strive for a better future. It's a reminder that, no matter how far one falls, there is always a way to rise again.'

Letra de Up
Vídeo de Up