José José


José José


Love like ours is rare, unmatched by any other in this world. We seek to deepen our bond, rather than conceal our feelings. At night, as you peacefully sleep beside me, your presence brings me solace and comfort without a hint of reproach. It is because of this unwavering love and adoration that you hold the key to my heart, becoming my most cherished treasure in life.

There are moments when the weight of sorrow and pain clouds my mind, yet you tenderly shower me with kisses and gentle caresses, chasing away the shadows that linger. However, amidst these gestures of affection, it is your embrace that truly lulls me to sleep, cradling me close to your heart. But come morning, as the light of day awakens us, I realize that you are not beside me; only my loyal pillow remains to keep me company.

There are times when your gaze grows distant and forlorn, silently bearing the burdens that weigh heavily upon your soul, much like countless others in this world. I yearn to shout out to you, to beckon you back into my arms, for even if my existence is defined solely by love, the trials we face can prove to be overwhelming, challenging us in ways we never imagined.

And so, we find ourselves caught in a cycle of anguish and solace, where your tender affections offer respite from the storm raging within. Yet, amidst the hush of the night, it is the emptiness beside me that reminds me of your absence, leaving me with only my faithful pillow as a silent witness to our fleeting moments of togetherness.

Letra de Almohada
Vídeo de Almohada

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  • Jose Jose está en la posición 43 del ranking de esta semana, su mejor puesto ha sido el en octubre de 2019.

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