Laura Pausini

Cuando se ama

Laura Pausini


In the song 'Cuando se ama (en inglés)' by Laura Pausini, the lyrics convey a sense of longing and vulnerability in a relationship. The singer expresses the desire for the other person not to deny their feelings, as both parties are aware of the love that exists between them. The lyrics emphasize the importance of honesty and courage in facing the truth of their emotions.

The lyrics describe the pain of unrequited love and the struggles of pretending that everything is fine when deep down, both individuals know the reality of their feelings. The singer yearns for affirmation and reassurance of love, highlighting the emptiness and sadness that come with unspoken emotions.

The song captures the bittersweet moments of love and heartbreak, emphasizing the need for open communication and the courage to confront one's true feelings. The singer pleads for honesty and authenticity in the relationship, acknowledging the inevitable end of a love story if emotions are not openly expressed.

Overall, 'Cuando se ama (en inglés)' encapsulates the complex emotions of love, longing, and vulnerability, urging both individuals to confront their feelings and express their love before it's too late. It serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of genuine communication and honesty in relationships.

Letra de Cuando se ama
Vídeo de Cuando se ama