Invece no

Invece no

Laura Pausini


Maybe simply breathing slowly used to be enough for me. Each breath would help me regain my inner rhythm, but now that you're not here, it all feels so senseless. Where are you now?

I still can't fully accept it, even though December has already arrived. You're not here, and I waited for you until the very end.

But not today, there's simply no time to elucidate things to you. I wish I could ask if I loved you enough. Right now, all I want is to speak to you.

The important words get stuck in my throat, ones you'll never get to hear. I try to let them out in a cry, all for you, each one filled with emotions.

I can feel them now, planting kisses between us. Without you, I can't bring myself to say them out loud.

Still, these words won't erase the memories of our carefree days, when we ran wild in the wind. I cling to the dream of conversing with you, even now.

But not today, there's no room for explanations. I had countless things I wanted to share with you. And yet, everything around me pulls me back to you.

Maybe just taking slow breaths was once enough for me. Today, that sentiment remains, but today is different, there's no more time.

Letra de Invece no
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  • Laura Pausini está en la posición 252 del ranking de esta semana, su mejor puesto ha sido el en marzo de 2014.

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