Feel Nothing

Feel Nothing

The Plot In You

'Feel Nothing' se estrenó el .

En la canción 'Feel Nothing' de The Plot in You, el narrador expresa sus frustraciones y sentimientos hacia alguien que parece no escucharlo. Mientras intenta comunicarse de manera honesta, se da cuenta de que la otra persona está demasiado absorta en su propia voz y pensamientos, lo que lo lleva a sentirse incomprendido y desgastado.... seguir leyendo

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Feel Nothing

Before I say another word
Just know that my intentions were pure
But you can't stand to be in silence
All you can hear is your own voice, fueling delusion in you
And I'm just...

So sick of backing down that I might just spill it all
And if I do you won't be coming back without a deep scar in your soul
Are you not sick of playing games
Sick of giving blame
Sick of fuc*** living like the world has never given you a life defining day?

And I can't relate
And I feel nothing for you
I feel nothing for you
And I feel
It's too late, too late
I've buried this and it's evident
You won't change, won't change
I feel nothing for...

My mind is torn, I hate it but I long to feel what I felt before
But you just keep moving towards me
What do I do what do I say
Can you kindly just refrain
What's here for me

Why hide the truth
That I feel nothing for you
I feel nothing for you
And I feel
It's too late, too late
I've buried this and it's evident
You won't change, won't change
I feel nothing for you

Broke away but you're starving for closure
Seem together but you know that I know ya
Know this is real, this is real

It's too late, too late
I've buried this and it's evident
You won't change, won't change
I feel
It's too late, too late
I've buried this and it's evident
You won't change, won't change
I feel nothing for you
I feel nothing for you
And I feel...

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* Letra añadida por Weilou

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