Hold Tight

Hold Tight



A million miles later, after facing the darkest nights and enduring the fire, we emerge scarred but unbroken, guided by our resilient hearts. Together, we find strength in knowing that no one else will last forever but our bond will endure. Embracing life without limits, we dance in the midst of the storm, committed to weathering any challenge that comes our way. United, we pledge to make things better and reassure each other that everything will be alright tonight.

In the face of adversity, we hold tight, finding solace in each other's presence, believing that love will light our path. Let's seize the moment and cherish what we have before it slips away. We affirm that everything is going to be alright, no matter the obstacles that stand in our way.

With a heartfelt declaration, we vow not to breathe the same air, nor listen to a silent heartbeat. Our connection runs deep, intertwining our fates so that if one of us is hurt, the other will willingly bear the pain. In the end, we reassure each other that everything will be alright, with love prevailing as our guiding force.

As we navigate through life's trials and tribulations, we cling to the hope that everything will work out in the end. Love is our compass, guiding us through the storm towards a brighter tomorrow.

Letra de Hold Tight
Vídeo de Hold Tight