Hoy toca ser feliz

Hoy toca ser feliz

Mago De Oz


The lyrics of the song 'Hoy toca ser feliz' by Mägo de Oz (translated into English) convey a message of hope and encouragement. It emphasizes the importance of not giving up in the face of adversity and finding happiness even in difficult times.

The song starts by highlighting the idea that when a dream dies or an illusion fades, it is not the end - it can be revived and brought back to life. It encourages the listener to believe in themselves and have faith that they can overcome their struggles.

The lyrics emphasize the power of positivity and resilience. It suggests that wounds heal with time and that it is important to keep moving forward, even when faced with pain. The message is clear: today is the day to seek happiness, to embrace life and all its possibilities.

The song speaks about facing fears and doubts head-on, not letting them cloud your vision or hinder your heart. It encourages letting go of past hurts and embracing laughter and joy as a remedy for pain. It reminds us that dreams can become reality and that we have the ability to soar higher than we ever imagined.

The imagery of stars in the sky being breadcrumbs that guide us toward our dreams reinforces the idea that we are capable of finding our path and not losing ourselves in the journey. It paints a picture of a magical land where illusions come alive, inviting us to believe in the power of imagination and possibility.

Ultimately, the song concludes with a message of empowerment and joy. It reaffirms that we have the strength to overcome obstacles, that our spirits can lift us up like the wind, and that today, more than ever, it is our turn to embrace happiness and live life to the fullest.

Letra de Hoy toca ser feliz
Vídeo de Hoy toca ser feliz