Marc Anthony

Tan Solo Palabras

Marc Anthony


In the song 'Tan Solo Palabras (en inglés)' by Marc Anthony, the lyrics convey a deep sense of urgency and passion for living in the present moment. The singer emphasizes the fleeting nature of time and the importance of cherishing love and connection while we can. He pleads for his love to stay, rejecting the idea of dwelling on missed opportunities and choosing instead to fully embrace the love he has found.

The lyrics express a strong belief in the power of love and the significance it holds in the singer's life. Love is portrayed as a miraculous force that transcends mere words and holds a higher meaning akin to that of faith in a higher power. The singer finds solace in this belief, prioritizing love and connection above all else.

Throughout the song, there is a recurring theme of seizing the moment and not letting opportunities for love slip away. The singer is resolute in his commitment to his partner, vowing to love and cherish them with every fleeting moment that life offers. The lyrics evoke a sense of emotional intensity and a longing for deep, meaningful connections that resonate with the listener.

Overall, 'Tan Solo Palabras (en inglés)' is a poignant ode to the power of love and the necessity of embracing it wholeheartedly in the face of life's transience. The lyrics serve as a reminder to prioritize love, connection, and living in the present moment, encapsulating the essence of heartfelt emotion and unwavering devotion.

Letra de Tan Solo Palabras
Vídeo de Tan Solo Palabras