No soy una Señora de María José

No soy una Señora

María José


This song by María José tells a poignant story of heartbreak and resilience. The lyrics speak of the wounds left by a man's actions, the judgment of others, and the struggle to carry on. The singer reflects on starting a new day with no clear path ahead, feeling forgotten and sacrificing so much in a relationship that ultimately turned out to be one-sided.

Despite the pain of betrayal and being used as a mere pawn, the singer finds strength in accepting her true self, a woman with a life full of challenges and battles. She expresses her belief in love, but also acknowledges the harsh reality of being taken for granted and left behind by someone who did not value her worth.

Through powerful and emotional verses, María José conveys the message of empowerment and self-realization. Despite the hardships and heartaches she has faced, she embraces her identity as a woman of integrity and resilience, determined to overcome the struggles and injustices that have marked her life. In the end, she stands tall as a lady of strength, facing life's obstacles with grace and courage.

Letra de No soy una Señora
Vídeo de No soy una Señora