Maquillaje de Mecano




In this vibrant song by Mecano, the lyrics express a sense of vulnerability and defiance, with the protagonist pleading not to be looked at due to feeling inadequate and unattractive without makeup and fashionable grooming. The repetition of 'do not look at me' reflects a deep-seated insecurity and fear of rejection based on outer appearance.

As the song progresses, there is a shift in attitude as the protagonist decides to confront the world with a newfound confidence, daring others to look at them now that they have applied makeup and transformed their image. The reference to a 'mirror of crystal' symbolizes self-reflection and the power of perception, highlighting the importance of self-acceptance and self-expression.

Overall, 'Maquillaje (en inglés)' is a powerful anthem of self-discovery and empowerment, urging listeners to embrace their true selves and challenge societal expectations of beauty. It's a journey of acceptance, transformation, and ultimately, self-love.

Letra de Maquillaje
Vídeo de Maquillaje