The Show Must Go On

The Show Must Go On

Moulin Rouge


Satine finds herself caught in a challenging situation as she contemplates the impending end of her dreams. Zidler advises her to push Christian away in order to save him, even suggesting that she use her acting prowess to make him believe she doesn't love him. Despite her initial resistance, Satine is reminded that they are 'creatures of the underworld' and cannot afford to let love interfere. As the day of reckoning arrives, they face the harsh reality that their dreams are fading away.

The lyrics paint a picture of a world filled with heroes and crimes, where uncertainty looms large and hearts are often broken. Despite the struggles and heartaches they endure, the show must go on. Satine's inner turmoil is reflected in her breaking heart, yet she bravely perseveres, maintaining a facade of strength even as her world crumbles around her.

The resounding message of the song is clear: no matter the obstacles, the show must go on. Satine is determined to take center stage, to face the challenges head-on, and to find the strength to carry on despite the pain and turmoil. As the final curtain draws near, the show must go on, echoing the resilience and determination of those who refuse to let their dreams die.

Letra de The Show Must Go On
Vídeo de The Show Must Go On