Ocean Soul de Nightwish

Ocean Soul



'One more night to bear this nightmare, a haunting plea echoing in the depths of Ocean Soul. The raw emotions laid bare, tear-stained cries unheeded, as a lonely soul navigates the tumultuous waves of fear and longing.

Long hours of solitude spent between the vast expanse of self and sea, a yearning for connection that transcends the physical realm. In the whispers of the tide line, a name echoes like angelic hymns, a bittersweet melody that pierces the heart with its beauty.

With silent devotion as their compass, the seeker grapples with the duality of losing emotion and finding solace in unwavering dedication. A yearning to shed the mortal coil and merge with the timeless rhythm of the waves, a desire as powerful as the ocean itself.

In this lyrical tapestry woven with longing and transcendence, 'Ocean Soul' emerges as a hymn to the unending quest for beauty and connection, a testament to the eternal dance between heart and sea.'

Letra de Ocean Soul
Vídeo de Ocean Soul