Bulletproof Cupid de Placebo

Bulletproof Cupid



Everything feels forgotten and tainted in the air, a sense of disillusionment hanging heavy. The plea to break free lingers, a desire to be unshackled from the confines of this toxic bond. The realization dawns that there may be no need for this person anymore, no longing for their hollow presence. The appeal for patience and the wisdom of time's revealing nature underscore the reluctance to act too hastily.

The sentiment shifts to disdain, rejecting the idea of dependence on this individual, expressing contempt for their superficial allure. The irony of their perceived charm and the emptiness it carries become apparent, highlighting the lack of genuine connection. The imagery of a 'bulletproof cupid' emerges, a bittersweet juxtaposition of invulnerability and foolishness, a contradiction of emotions.

The lyrics echo a disenchanted resignation, a yearning to be released from the spell cast by this misguided affection. The ambivalence towards the relationship is palpable, a push-pull dynamic of wanting to break free yet feeling strangely captivated. The refusal to succumb to the allure of false promises and shallow companionship is a testament to a growing sense of self-awareness and clarity.

In the end, the refrain of 'bulletproof cupid' resonates as a reminder of the paradoxical nature of love and desire, a reflection of the complexities of human connection. The acknowledgment of folly and the recognition of the need to move beyond illusions serve as a poignant ode to the journey of self-discovery and liberation.

Letra de Bulletproof Cupid
Vídeo de Bulletproof Cupid

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