Hang On To Your I.q. de Placebo

Hang On To Your I.q.



Chinese masseuse emerges as a mysterious figure in the narrative, weaving conversations in poetic haikus while embodying an enigmatic allure akin to a plastic Venus. With a headrush present in her being, she carries unconventional items in her pocket - two rubbers, two lubes, and a silver rocket, hinting at a world of exotic experiences and desires.

The chorus urges the listener to 'Hang on to your IQ, to your ID,' emphasizing the importance of preserving one's intellect and identity in the face of external influences. The theme of loneliness pervades the song, evident in the singer's introspective moments as he navigates daily routines and seeks solace in intoxicating highs before stepping into the outside world.

The lyrical imagery transitions to a scene of morning rituals, where the act of rolling up another indulgence serves as a prelude to facing the day ahead. Clouds burn in the sky as a metaphor for inner turmoil, settling in the solar plexus, hinting at deeper emotional unrest and yearning for escape.

References to numerology surface, with 'Legs eleven' symbolizing restlessness that keeps one awake late into the night. The mention of 'two fat ladies on my back' alludes to the weight of burdens and responsibilities, leading to the realization of being a fool trapped by a small tool - a metaphor for inadequacy and powerlessness.

In the final stretch, the repetition of the chorus emphasizes the message of self-preservation amidst a backdrop of emotional isolation. The song leaves a lingering sense of longing and introspection, reinforced by the haunting refrain of 'I'm lonely,' echoing the internal struggles and external facades we all grapple with in the journey of self-discovery.

Letra de Hang On To Your I.q.
Vídeo de Hang On To Your I.q.