In this captivating song by Rakim y Ken-Y, the lyrics paint a vivid picture of desire and passion between two individuals. The chorus 'You kill to me when you watch to me and you do not speak I to me that also you have desire Oh, oh, your you kill to me' emphasizes the intense attraction and longing they feel for each other.

As the song progresses, the artists convey a sense of seizing the moment and breaking barriers without fear. The imagery of a perfect night where inhibitions are shed and intimacy is explored until dawn adds a sense of urgency and sensuality to the narrative.

The lyrics describe a scene of shared intimacy and connection, where moments of pleasure and satisfaction are celebrated. The artists express a desire to experience love and passion to the fullest, embracing the raw emotions and vulnerability that come with it.

Overall, 'Me Matas' portrays a tale of intense desire, unspoken feelings, and the electrifying spark between two people consumed by their attraction. The rhythm and language used in the song evoke a sense of passion and longing, making it a captivating and emotive piece that resonates with the complexities of love and desire.

Letra de Me Matas
Vídeo de Me Matas