In 'Guerra,' Residente Calle 13 delves deep into the raw emotions that accompany conflict and power dynamics. The song paints a vivid picture of intense rage and ferocity, symbolized by the powerful imagery of screaming without words, fury that bites without teeth, and pain reciting poems. The artist embodies a force to be reckoned with, consuming the world with a fiery determination that even nightmares cannot rest in peace, setting a stage where tears shed before dying and history bends to his will.

Despite the aggressive tone, a complex reflection emerges as Residente shifts focus to the impact of war on individuals. Through poignant metaphors, he highlights the cyclical nature of violence, pointing out that war, too, can be vulnerable, masked in camouflage to hide its sorrow. The artist challenges the notion of power through destruction, instead advocating for connection and empathy as a means to disarm conflict. Ultimately, 'Guerra' serves as a powerful narrative on the multifaceted nature of war and the potential for reconciliation through understanding.

Letra de Guerra
Vídeo de Guerra