Discografía de The Living Tombstone5 discos de The Living TombstoneTombstone RemixesThe Living Tombstone(2013)The Five Nights at Freddy's PentalogyThe Living TombstoneOriginal TracksThe Living TombstoneRED (Red vs. Blue Remixes)The Living TombstoneBLUE (Red vs. Blue Remixes)The Living Tombstone+ The Living TombstoneLetra Five Nights at freddy'sLetra It's been so long (en español)Letra Die In A Fire (en español)Letra Discord (en español)Letra My Ordinary Life (subtitulada al español)Letra Die In A FireLetra It's been so longLetra Discord+ Letras de The Living Tombstone Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos Foro