



I hear the drums echoing tonight, a rhythmic call that pierces the air, but to her, they are mere whispers in the hush of a quiet conversation. The anticipation builds as she arrives on the 12:30 flight, her silhouette illuminated by the moonlit wings that mirror the stars guiding me towards a sense of redemption.

On this journey, I pause to seek wisdom from an old man, hoping to uncover forgotten words or ancient melodies. His gaze implores me to hurry, for an opportunity awaits. A call to action lingers in the air, urging me towards an unknown destiny.

Against all odds, I stand firm, resilient against any force that seeks to separate us. The power of love and dedication surpasses the might of a hundred men or more. And as the rains bless the land of Africa, we are reminded to cherish moments and experiences we previously overlooked.

In the heart of the wilderness, where the wild dogs lament in the night, their howls echoing a yearning for companionship, I am reminded of the importance of making the right choices. Like Kilimanjaro towering majestically over the Serengeti, I face my inner fears and uncertainties, determined to confront the person I have become.

Through trials and tribulations, we are reminded of the strength of our bond, unyielding to external pressures. The blessings of the rains in Africa serve as a symbol of renewal and growth, a chance to redefine our priorities and embrace the opportunities we once let slip away.

As the echoes of the drumbeat fade into the night, the message is clear: seize the moment, embrace the journey, and take the time to appreciate the wonders and experiences that have yet to unfold. Hurry boy, for she awaits, and together, we will tread the path towards a brighter tomorrow, blessed by the rains of Africa.

Letra de Africa
Vídeo de Africa