The Air That I Breathe

The Air That I Breathe

The Hollies

'The Air That I Breathe' se estrenó el . Este canción está incluida en el disco 'Hollies'

En esta cautivadora canción de The Hollies, se expresa claramente el sentimiento de plenitud y satisfacción que surge de un amor profundo. La idea de desear simplemente el aire que se respira y el amor de esa persona especial evoca una sensación de paz interior y completa felicidad... seguir leyendo

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The Air That I Breathe

If I could make a wish
I think I'd pass
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound
Nothing to eat, no books to read
Making love with you
Has left me peaceful warm and tired
What more could I ask
There's nothing left to be desired
Peace came upon me and it leaves me weak
So sleep, silent angel go to sleep

Sometimes all I need is the air that I breathe
And to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe
Yes to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe

Peace came upon me and it leaves me weak
So sleep, silent angel go to sleep

Sometimes all I need is the air that I breathe
And to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe
Yes to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe

Sometimes all I need is the air that I breathe
And to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe
Yes to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe
And to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe
Yes to love you

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Disco 'Hollies'

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