Take It Like A Friend de Creedence Clearwater Revival

Take It Like A Friend

Creedence Clearwater Revival

'Take It Like A Friend' se estrenó el . Este canción está incluida en el disco 'Mardi Gras'

En esta canción de Creedence Clearwater Revival, nos presenta una reflexión profunda sobre la competencia y la amistad. La letra nos habla de la importancia de dar paso a otros, de ser justos y no tratar de avanzar a toda costa sin importar a quién perjudiquemos en el camino... seguir leyendo

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Take It Like A Friend

If maybe you'd move over,
Gave someone else a chance to try their luck,
Instead, you run up closer,
Try'n to grab a page before they close the book.

It was over 'fore it started, seemed so long when we began
Hope you take it like a friend.
It's a shame to see you cryin' , wouldn't think to way back when,
Looks like i'll never hear the end.

Thought you had the honor,
Took special pride in all your well laid plans.

Forgot about the others,
We moved out t'ward the light showin' empty hands.


Ah, put the boot down! mm-hm!

Love to be the winner.
Gather up your chips in time to cash 'em in.
We're all lookin' thinner,
Playin' cards too close for either one to win.


It's a shame to see you cryin', wouldn't think to way back when,
Hope you take it like a friend.

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Disco 'Mardi Gras'

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