Wisin & Yandel

Algo pasó

Wisin & Yandel


In the song 'Algo pasó' by Wisin & Yandel, the lyrics express a sense of mystery and passion between two individuals. The singer reflects on a moment of connection and intrigue that has taken place between them, unsure of what exactly transpired but acknowledging the intensity of the feelings involved. Despite the uncertainty, there is a reassurance that honesty and sincerity prevail in their interaction.

The lyrics also reference playful and flirtatious exchanges, with hints of seduction and desire woven throughout. The singer playfully teases the idea of indulging in culinary delights together, adding a light-hearted touch to the romantic tension between them.

Through a mix of Spanish and English verses, the song captures a sense of energy and excitement, inviting the listener to join in the whirlwind of emotions and sensations that come with unexpected connections. The dynamic and upbeat rhythm of the music further enhances the song's appeal, creating a vibrant and engaging atmosphere for all to enjoy.

Ultimately, 'Algo pasó' is a celebration of the thrilling and unpredictable nature of human relationships, where moments of connection and chemistry can spark a whole new chapter of emotions and experiences.

Letra de Algo pasó
Vídeo de Algo pasó