Wisin & Yandel

Estoy enamorado

Wisin & Yandel


In the emotive song 'Estoy enamorado' by Wisin & Yandel, the artists express their deep feelings and admiration for their significant other. They wake up in the morning thinking about the special moments they have shared and the unique connection they have. The lyrics convey a sense of devotion and unconditional love, with powerful declarations of never letting go of their loved one.

The artists express their willingness to always be by their partner's side, willing to overcome any obstacles that come their way. They speak of their partner's influence on them, how they have changed for the better, and how their love is a guiding force in their lives.

Throughout the song, there is a sense of gratefulness and appreciation for the love they have found. The artists acknowledge the magic and the power their partner holds over their hearts and emphasize the importance of their relationship. The song exudes passion, commitment, and a profound connection between two people in love.

The energetic rhythm and heartfelt lyrics of 'Estoy enamorado' create a romantic atmosphere and convey the message that love is a powerful force that transcends everything. Wisin & Yandel express their love openly, declaring their feelings with enthusiasm and dedication, making it clear that they are completely enamored and deeply committed to their partner.

Letra de Estoy enamorado
Vídeo de Estoy enamorado