Ximena Sariñana

Vidas paralelas

Ximena Sariñana


In the song 'Vidas paralelas (en inglés)' by Ximena Sariñana, the singer reflects on the concept of parallel lives and the emotions that come with it. She talks about the journey of getting to know and recognize someone, and how in parallel lives, there is a desire for connection and understanding.

The lyrics convey a sense of longing and contemplation about the similarities and differences between two people's lives that run parallel to each other. The singer expresses a desire for things to work out and for a promise of return in the parallel life.

There is a theme of closure and acceptance, as the singer acknowledges the unanswered questions and the realization that what she has is what she truly wants. The idea of parallel lives intertwining before it's too late is also touched upon, adding a sense of urgency and hope.

Overall, the song evokes a bittersweet and introspective mood, exploring the complexities of relationships and the longing for connection in parallel lives.

Letra de Vidas paralelas
Vídeo de Vidas paralelas