Cheated Hearts

Cheated Hearts

Yeah Yeah Yeahs


'Cheated Hearts' by Yeah Yeah Yeahs is a reflective and introspective song that explores themes of love, betrayal, and moving on. The lyrics speak of feeling let down and deceived by someone who is the opposite of love, while also holding onto hope and keeping a watchful eye on past experiences. The repetition of taking off rings and wearing them on another rainy day symbolizes letting go of the past and preparing for new beginnings.

The song delves into the complexities of relationships and self-perception, with lines like 'Sometimes I think that I'm bigger than the sound' suggesting a struggle with ego and identity. Despite feeling hurt and disillusioned, there's a sense of resilience and strength in facing challenges head-on.

Overall, 'Cheated Hearts' conveys a mix of vulnerability and empowerment, urging listeners to confront their emotions and find the courage to move forward, even in the face of heartache. It's a poetic exploration of love's ups and downs, set to a catchy and dynamic musical backdrop that captures the raw emotions of the human experience.

Letra de Cheated Hearts
Vídeo de Cheated Hearts