In recent times, things haven't been going well for us. Communication seems to be faltering, and it's time to show each other more love through gestures, understanding, and meaningful gazes.

I don't mean to bring sadness with these words but wish to prevent a future where one of us regrets not having done more. It's a lament to see love fading away, leaving behind only lingering sorrow within our souls.

Despite knowing that not everything goes as planned, I can't help but emphasize the growing divide between us. It appears that our love and compatibility might not be a perfect match.

It's a lament to witness love slipping away, leaving behind only the echoes of pain in our hearts. Regret lingers as we realize our missed opportunities to nurture what once connected us so deeply.

Ultimately, the song conveys a sense of sorrow and remorse over a failing relationship, underscoring the importance of love, communication, and efforts to bridge the emotional distance that has grown between two people.

Letra de Que lástima
Vídeo de Que lástima