Ana Gabriel

Cosas del amor

Ana Gabriel


The heartfelt lyrics of Ana Gabriel's song 'Cosas del amor' (Things of love) convey the pain and confusion of a woman struggling with the impending loss of her beloved. She confides in a friend about her deep hurt and the fear of losing the man she loves. As she grapples with this emotional turmoil, her friend offers support and encouragement, emphasizing the importance of fighting for the love that means so much to her.

The song explores the common themes of love, loss, and uncertainty in relationships, as the woman questions her own actions and whether she may have inadvertently pushed her partner away. The lyrics reflect the raw emotions of heartbreak and the desperate desire to hold on to a fading love.

Through poignant verses and a melodious melody, 'Cosas del amor' captures the complexities of romantic relationships and the universal experience of heartache. It serves as a touching reminder of the highs and lows of love, urging listeners to cherish and fight for the relationships that matter most.

Letra de Cosas del amor
Vídeo de Cosas del amor