The song 'Destino' by Ana Gabriel tells the melancholic story of a man who waits for a lost love that never returns. As time passes, he becomes consumed by sadness and loneliness, withering away like a flower that dies without sunlight. Despite holding onto illusions and memories of the past, he is unable to escape the pain of his unrequited love.

The lyrics convey the deep emotional struggle of the man as he questions who he truly cried for and why his heart was left broken. The sorrowful tone of the song highlights the bravery and vulnerability required to love deeply, even when faced with heartbreak and loss.

Through poetic verses and haunting melodies, 'Destino' captures the bittersweet essence of longing, regret, and the enduring impact of lost love on the human heart. It serves as a poignant reminder of the power of love and the pain that can come with it, leaving listeners reflective and moved by its heartfelt message.

Letra de Destino
Vídeo de Destino