Mi Corazoncito

Mi Corazoncito



The song 'Mi Corazoncito' by Aventura tells a heartfelt story of longing and unrequited love. The lyrics express a sense of vulnerability, with the singer admitting to feeling a bit silly and filled with complexes. Despite this, there is a strong sense of imagination and a plea to keep the emotions hidden from others.

The chorus reinforces the idea of the singer dreaming and yearning for the love that seems out of reach. There is a deep sense of longing and pain, as the singer describes themselves as a poet in pain and the object of their affection as their conviction. The repetition of the plea to be allowed to dream and hold onto their little heart emphasizes the depth of the emotions at play.

Overall, the song captures the bittersweet essence of unrequited love, with lyrics that speak to the universal experience of yearning for someone who may not feel the same way. It conveys a sense of hope, longing, and a willingness to hold onto dreams even in the face of unreciprocated feelings.

Letra de Mi Corazoncito
Vídeo de Mi Corazoncito