Tangled Up In Blue

Tangled Up In Blue

Bob Dylan


Early one morning as the sun was shining, she found herself pondering in bed, wondering if things had changed, if her once-red hair still held its hue. Her parents' lives had been bound together, but the road ahead looked rough; they never quite approved of Mama's homemade dress and Papa's bank account left much to desire. As he stood by the roadside, rain falling on his shoes, he set off for the east coast, his past struggles weighing heavily on his journey through life, all tangled up in blue.

Their initial meeting was amidst matrimony, yet divorce loomed in the near future. He lent a helping hand in a time of need, though perhaps with more force than necessary. Driving their car as far west as it would go, they parted ways on a melancholy night, both acknowledging that separation was for the best. As she glanced back at his departing figure, his words lingered in the air, promising a chance encounter once more, perhaps on a bustling avenue tangled up in blue.

A stint in Santa Fe at an aging hotel proved lackluster, leading to his sudden dismissal. Drifting down to New Orleans, he narrowly escaped destruction and found solace in a job on a fishing boat by Delacroix. Despite his physical journeys, the past clung close, memories of women flashing by, yet she remained a constant presence in his mind, endlessly tangled up in blue.

Amidst a topless bar, she caught his eye, her face illuminated by the spotlight. As the crowd dispersed, she found her way to his side, playfully guessing his name, leaving him flustered and intrigued. Their paths crossed again briefly, tangling them up in blue once more.

Their residence on Montague Street in a basement, enveloped by the music of cafe nights and the spirit of revolution, took a turn as he delved into darker dealings, a part of him fading away. She was forced to relinquish her possessions, internalizing her pain. Amidst the crushing weight of it all, he withdrew into himself, finding solace only in persevering, like a bird in flight, tangled up in blue.

Now, he embarks on a return journey, aiming to reconnect with the faces of the past, now distant illusions. Some have forged paths in mathematics, others in the life of carpenters' spouses; the details of their lives remaining a mystery. Yet, his own path continues, navigating through various stops, their shared experiences reflecting diverse viewpoints of the same tangled existence, painted in hues of blue.

Letra de Tangled Up In Blue
Vídeo de Tangled Up In Blue