This heartfelt song by Carlos Rivera titled 'The Half' (in English) beautifully captures the pain and longing of unrequited love. Rivera expresses his struggle to find the right words to confess his feelings to someone who holds his heart. He describes feeling lost and blinded by pain, unable to fully articulate the depth of his emotions.

The lyrics convey a sense of regret and self-blame, as Rivera reflects on his own shortcomings and the realization that he has fallen for someone beyond his reach. Despite trying to hide his feelings and avoid getting hurt, he acknowledges his vulnerability and the power of love to overcome rationality.

The imagery of being only 'half' of a dream, a kiss, a soul, and of the person he loves, reflects the incompleteness and longing that comes with unrequited love. Rivera's plea for understanding and his admission of feeling like a fool in love resonate with anyone who has experienced the bittersweet agony of loving someone who cannot love them back.

As the song delves into themes of pain, longing, and the acceptance of a one-sided love, it conveys a sense of resignation and acceptance of the harsh realities of life. Despite the wounds and scars inflicted by love, Rivera finds solace in expressing his emotions through music, allowing listeners to connect with the universal experience of unrequited love in a deeply moving and relatable way.

Letra de La Mitad
Vídeo de La Mitad