David Bisbal

Desnúdate mujer

David Bisbal


Embrace the essence of passion woven into the lyrics of David Bisbal's song 'Desnúdate mujer (Take off your clothes, woman)' sung in English. A tale of temptation and desire unfolds as the words beckon you to shed inhibitions and embrace a moment of uninhibited love.

The invitation to undress is whispered in tones of longing, urging a surrender to the flames of desire. A promise of freedom awaits as two souls intertwine, shedding their identities to become one in the night's embrace.

Sensual imagery dances through the verses, depicting a scene of intimacy and surrender. The rain cascades down, mirroring the flow of passion between bodies intertwined. Each touch is a symphony of longing, a celebration of the raw, unbridled connection between two lovers.

There is a sense of recklessness and abandon in the air, a knowing surrender to the pull of desire. It is a moment outside of time, where rationality fades, and the heart's desires reign supreme.

The chorus echoes a mantra of liberation and faithlessness, urging the woman to embrace her primal instincts and revel in the ecstasy of the moment. It is a hymn to love in its most unadulterated form, a celebration of the physical and spiritual union between two beings.

As the song crescendos, it becomes a crescendo of passion and yearning, a declaration of love in its purest form. It speaks of a love that transcends boundaries and defies reason, a love that is as boundless as the infinite longing shared between two souls.

In the end, 'Desnúdate mujer' is a poetic ode to love, desire, and the beauty of losing oneself in the arms of another. It is a celebration of the human experience in all its rawness and vulnerability, a reminder of the power and magic that resides in the union of two souls.

Letra de Desnúdate mujer
Vídeo de Desnúdate mujer