The Passenger de Iggy Pop

The Passenger

Iggy Pop


'I am a passenger, riding through the city's backside as the stars twinkle brightly in the sky, creating a beautiful scene. I gaze through my window, taking in the sights of the bright and hollow sky over the city. Everything looks inviting and enchanting tonight.

Join me in the car as we become passengers together, cruising through the city under the shimmering lights. We'll witness the hidden beauty of the city, the stars shining brightly in the hollow sky made just for us. The pure joy of being a passenger, observing the world pass by.

The passenger rides on, looking out through the window and seeing the silent sky, the city's hidden corners, and the ocean drive winding along. It all feels like it was meant for us, a shared experience that just belongs to you and me. Let’s embark on this journey together and discover what the world has to offer.

The passenger continues to ride, taking in the world from behind the glass, appreciating the sights he knows are his own. The bright and empty sky, the slumbering city at night, the stars shining above - all of this beauty belongs to us, waiting to be explored and enjoyed.

So let’s ride on and embrace the adventure, singing our way through the night as we revel in the shared experience of being passengers in this world of wonder.'

Letra de The Passenger
Vídeo de The Passenger